domenica 9 maggio 2010

the sleep of reason

Mr. Sheep: May i suggest a book (libraries should have it): Crease and Mann The Second Creation: makers of the revolution in 20th century physics. I am quite satisfied with the Nicene Creed, the Imaculate (immanent) state of Mary, her Assumption, transubstantiation. One need not play "see Christ in the tree bark" or get trapped in "the miracle scam". In fact, we have a miracle at mass, if the priest is not in a state of mortal sin. There is no need, fiddling about the universe, looking for images of the popes in pizzas. Fatima was interesting in its first two prophecies (Russian revolution 4 months before it happened. Number 3 was way too fruzzy.) I 'll take Einstein deviation of light (1919, I believe).

@Mr. Kane -- you are the winner. As in the program You Bet Your Life, you have ripped the veil (You say the "magic" word, and the duck descends. Groucho Marx gives 100 dollars). Or as Henry Gale would say, "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain" There is nothing behind the curtain unless you believe that sloppy writing and pertension are of any value. As I continue to maintain Darlton et alia have painted themselves into a corner. They either Deus ex machina or "it was only a dream"

The mortal veil 09:09, May 9, 2010 edit history
I shall continue to Fumigate You With My Wisdom. Darlton are not equal to the later Joyce. The vast majority of my grammatical and spelling errors were a tribute to the sloppy writing of Darlton et alia. The great thing about LOST is not the program itself. No, the great thing is the discussion on this network. LOST is a stimulus to discuss important ideas. I have presented several Deus ex machina endings that all depend on an alliance between Faraday's forces (Hume, Minkowski, the concept of Maxwell's demons in bottles, Walt, son of Michael) and Juilet Burke (who through sheer accident or dumb luck on the part of Darlton) connects to Ben (Napoleon at Elba). Let us be clear: Edmund Burke predicted the rise of a monster in the aftermath of the French revolution who completely reverse it, i.e., Napoleon Linus. As Goya wrote in the same period: "The sleep of reason produces monsters."

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