giovedì 20 maggio 2010


The entire line of inquiry of The Golden Bough is developed from one particular ritualistic practice that Frazer describes in the book’s early pages. In Italy, he explains, there is a wooded area on the shore of Lake Nemi, which is dedicated to the memory of the Roman goddess Diana. By tradition, each priest of Diana who guards the forest, known as the King of the Wood, gained his position by murdering the priest who held the position before him.

This is a summary taken from one of the crib-books concerning Sir James Frazier's ponderous The Golden Bough Let go to the beginning: Mother steals the first king (MiB); she realizes that he won't play his part so she gives the title to Jacob. Generally in the mythical paradigm a freed slave (Richard) is the killer and loses nothing. (in those early times the penalty for escape was death except when the slave finds divine protection). That explains why Richard was told to kill Jacob. It also explains why Flocke will never Ben. MiB thought that Ben would not know this. Of course, Ben knows it. The business about asking for Stephen King earlier in the series was another deception. Ben can kill Charles is because Ben is now KING. If Ben dies by MiB's hand, MiB will never escape Jacob's whole ceremony is another deception. It is a farce. Another false baptism (like Richard's)...

You don't pick God. God picks you. Often God picks strangely. Why would God (not that whining demon, jacob)pick Ben. Because Ben will protect the light and he is so strong in will and wit that he will be able to secure the light or die with it, should the need come. Again we have Napoleon mentioned. We have Rousseau, the enemy of democracy. Ben could kill Widmore because he is above the rules.

My dear Mr. Sheep, it is an observation from the Bible, from Plato (few understand the meaning of the shadows in the cave) to Joyce (read The Dead, you will see that Joyce [in his early 20's] undersood that faith, hope, grace are gifts God gives, and it seems he is not generous with such gifts).

Mr. Sheep a few items:I am a student of religion, but I am not full of grace. I am not a man of faith, but a man who believes that from what he knows no one/nothing could exist with God and without Redemption. My redeemer is the enemy of entropy, the enemy of waste, the author of natural law.I have no belief in zealots that are young, no faith in instant karma. It took 40-43 years to believe the little that I do. I am Catholic, but I do not attend mass. My priest is stupid. I am looking for wisdom, not foolishness.To your question: here's the answer: you do not want to be God's choice. You end up on a cross.

You end up hating the world (see TS Eliot's poem Journey of the Magi).All these liars who say that religion gives them confidence and lightens their spirit are liars. The more one studies God, the colder this world becomes. You become the stranger in a strange land.
As for the use of God's name for theft or murder, no one chosen by God could such things (unless he was acting under the provisions of Exodus chapter 23 to 26 which are limited to orthodox Jews; it is only for males without significant sins (there are plenty) who are conservative or orthodox Jews).

Sorry, Mr. Sheep, this remnant under very restricted circumstances may answer the call of blood. If Sawyer were an orthodox or conservative Jew, his killing of Cooper would be obedience to God. But Sawyer is not sinless; he is not Jewish. This is the single exception against killing. No one else has God on their side. It is a very high standard.

As for knowing God's will, those who say they know such things are liars. If I had such power, I would hide. No sane person wants the powers of God. the human frame aint built for it. The A-bomb brought not the nuclear age, but the age of anxiety. (the phrase is WH Auden's).
Belief in God has been a great burden; it has made my spirit sad. Lacking grace, intrinsic faith, the gift of hope, belief is hard. I cling to it because I know it to be true.

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