martedì 25 maggio 2010


We are fooled into that concept of everybody's dead by Jack's reward. He is seeing his death in 2004 when really died in 2007. he is being given the gift of a life fulfiiled. His father was no wise, loving parent. He was a hateful, sloppy drunk. Jack redeemed them all. His action of extinguishing the flame ended Mother's rule. How do we know this? 1) The new "jacob" is Hugo, an infinitely more powerful being than Jacob. He who speaks with the dead is a person that mortality cannot touch. You know when he plays chess and thepieces move by themselves that he has achieved a higher state. His work in the world beyond the island is done. There is no place for him in the world of LA X. And he is not jacob. The flame that Jack lit was Hugo's. He held the fire all the time. But Mother and her children would have destroyed that Fire. He was the one above corruption. 2) Hume's refusal to answer Mrs. Widmore's question. I believe Hume said not this time. In other words, how many times must he die. He is the author of all this, culminating in the concert. Hume is also saying that Charles and Eliose have ceased to have any importance. This is Daniel's last word to his mother. The concert is the culmination of the sideways world for Daniel. He has prepared Jack for his mission. Even Jack's son is an illusion to provide him fulfillment as a parent. His last patient is a miracle. Faraday has tried to give jack some joy. 3) The sideways world exists because of the energy from the island. when Mother's light was extinguished. the sideways world became real. the energy from the island has been converted. 4) Ben is outside the church because he must return to the island to protect it. He is the King of trees and deserted houses.--the sideways world is only purgatory if you consider real life to purgatory. It may be. Marriage, children, jobs -- all may be considered purgatory. Christian Sheepherd is no more a prophet than Charles Widmore. He is a figment of Faraday's conjuring. Hume calls Jack. Hume picks up a coffin. It's all for Jack's benefit, the happy death. The reality is that Ben in his endless machinations taught Jack one thing. "Thomas is not remembered for his bravery, but for his doubt. You have chosen courage. I have chosen doubt. That's why I cannot enter. Look at us, you saved us all. I killed so many people for a good that never existed. You gave up your life, and you saved us all" I would liked that ending.

In the Gospel, there is a rich young man who comes to Jesus.
What must i do to be saved? You must give up what you have , leave your family, follow me. the rich young man turns away. my opinion is that this figure represents the Buddha. Outside the scripture, the young realizes that he has no choice. he has seen the suffering. Hurley is the Buddha . The male demi-god who has taken the place of mother. Ben is Napoleon who ends as the king of deserted kingdom. his two subjects, Rose and Bernard have no regard for him.
Jack joins Faraday as a shadow who appear, mumble a few words, and guide the world.

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