martedì 11 maggio 2010

lost again

My view is the one Thomas dismisses with disdain. It is St. Anselm of Aosta's ontological view. The grand champions of this view are those two French fellows (Descartes -- his work has real problems) and Pascal (who after being one of greatest math masters turned his back in horror at the implications of his work). Then there is Spinoza (the most dangerous man in the world, according to Leibnitz. Spinoza had one follower of note, a Swiss patent clerk named Einstein.
Thank you again for proving the utter impossibility of quantum theory in a fictional paradigm whose writers are so sloppy in their thinking.
As Oscar Wilde said life imitates art. I have (no big surprise) about certain aspects of quantum theory. Darlton have sliced and diced the physics of the last ninety years, so that we are left with the kind of trash CS Lewis wrote.

Faraday, Burke, and Linus have propelled the narrative without having been seen. This part Darlton did right. It reminds me of the lawyer Jaggers in Great Expectations. Same technique, but with 3 characters, that's their greatest achievement. They have a chance for a great finale. What irony!! These dimestore demons think they are playing a game when they are heading for a smackdown. I do not know if Darlton have sensed the dramatic possibility. Finally, about 6 months after I discussed the poem "The Second Coming"!!! Maybe Dr J. is a slow learner or he is a shill for Darlton. There are 4 monsters Flocke, Jacob, the ghost who created the sideways Universe (Faraday) and his servants, and Ben.
Last week's Flashforward featured an Ingres. Take a look at Ingres's portrait of Napoleon. It's irregularly colored enticing the ah's and oh's of the emperor. His small face is without feeling.
Here's the deal Ben is going eat Flocke's lunch: He will probably kill Hurley to shut up Jacob. The Universe of Einstein has God at its center, but this God is a Deity of Rules. No, not the 10 commandments, the laws of physics are his concern. Hurley received his fortune and Libby to get Jacob out of his head. Flocke got his warning, but he ignored it. Desmond's car was a warning for both Jack and Locke. The Faraday school of reality checking has so far been very gentle. Flocke is in trouble. How do fight a man whose been 30 years? The Faustian deal is not with Satan, but Faraday's God (Remember the driver's boast "I can get you anything". This is the counteroffer to FLocke's).
All Ben has to do is accept the Master's to-do list.
Destiny is a fickle b°ç°h: God's (Faraday) chosen candidate is a son of bçççh. God exists, and he is particular about certain things.
You decide the Eucharist or Ben Linus.
God wants to have both, but physics is the supreme law. No errant demons will be ignored
Do not be surprised if some dead characters come back to life or if Hurley's will leaves his empire to Ben. Hurley may be the next target: think drumstick, not Jacob. Do not cross the street, Hurley; there are a lot of bad drivers in LA.
Mr. Sheep, such is the price of a scientific ending. The color of the stone has no importance. The question is does it conform to physical laws. One may understand Christ's death as a means of correcting previous and cumulative errors.

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