venerdì 21 maggio 2010

Ben and Faraday

So here we are: THE BIG QUESTIONS
1). Is Faraday going to reappear? Does he represent the Spinozan God who cannot interfere in the world because his intrusion is destructive? I would hope so. If he represented that whining ass jacob. I would be disappointed.

2).Will that 10 year brain in the kung fu body finally leave us alone (the viewers and the characters)? Killing this idiot was the best thing Ben ever did. Next Mib, then rid us of jack. Mail him back to LA, dead or alive. I am sure you can dispose of these idiots. then go ahead rule the island or the world: you deserve it, Ben.

Of course, Ben, you need make sure that Locke is safe. Mib will just grab somebody else. Also make sure that Hurley does not get any smoke in his eyes. 3) Will Faraday be able to save everybody? Put richard and isabella in a condo far from the sea, bring back most of dead, not all of them? (Let Juilet go to Greenland. She deserves to live, but she is a bitch.) Faraday or somebody, send Claire (but not her baby) and Kate to torment Woman in hell. Will somebody (Ben or Faraday or Hume) stab Eli Hawking as MiB did Woman?

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