domenica 23 maggio 2010

the magiffin

In nearly all Hitchcock films, there is an object that most characters chase. The famous Magiffen is Houston's Maltese falcon: As Bogie says this is the stuff that dreams are made of. The bridge over (on) the River Kwai, the two passports in Casblanca and the Pink Panther diamond are other examples. In LOST, there are two such items. One is the title of leader. There is a trap the real leader must protect the other MaGuffin called the Source What Mother says is a heresy to all Christians and probably to all Buddhists. The light within is divided among all. This is the Gnostic Heresy, i.e., God is within you from the start. Christians believe that the original sin is within the fetus at conception. From what I understand of Buddhism, the journey to light is harch and long. (Personally, I believe both. As I wrote to Mr. Sheep, religion is a burden. The final destination is a cross.) Here is the real choice. Salvation lies in giving back the Source to this all-subsuming physicist that we call God. Every knowledgable Christian, Muslim, Jew and many others especially Spinoza and Einstein know the all is of this male, jealous God. Everyone should know that energy and matter are interchangable. They should know that energy cannot be created or destroyed. The question is who knows this. I am sure Faraday knew this. Maybe he still does. I bet that Linus knows this. Jack, Juilet, Locke Lapidus, Miles, Chang (or Candlewax) should know this. (I had this drummed into my head at age 11 by the nuns). In other words, everybody knows this. So what's the use of all these words? This is Pentecost when Peter spoke to the crowds and each heard in his own tongue. You may believe it or not. But there need not be a miracle to spark such a debate. A simple phrase can ignite an even bigger debate. Christ said, but it could come from anybody's lips. "Render to Caesar what is Caesar's, and to God what is God's. I pay many taxes, but render little else to Caesar. That's the answer. The key to life (survival, happiness, return from the dead, true love....) lies in the shadow of the statue as well as in the hearts of some, but not so many, homo sapiens.

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