sabato 8 maggio 2010


I was a scholar of religion my whole life. I was in profound opposition to it. I do not attend mass nor do i give financial support to the Roman church. I do not support pedophiles. If mr lionofdharma does not plan to expose his children to religion then they will not understand Moby Dick which is a direct response against the Biblical God. Also algebra, presocratic philosophy, most of Western art to 1700, the writings of Hesse, Graham Greene, the 8 fold path of the Buddha, Kant, the early Fitche, William James are off limits.
I am not telling anybody to go church. Far from it.
Be a rebel, doubt.
Skip the school that does not permit prayer. Maybe you can find a place where there is free access to books. Look at Mortimer J. Adler's List of Great Books. Read Prisig's objections to the list (the Chicago program) in Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintence.
The hell with conformity, decide for yourself.
I am a rebel. But do you expect that I grant you anymore than the space to expel your carbon dioxide and the freedom to say what you please. Tolerance, yes. Respect, no. I seek not to convince; I seek only that there are places to read for one's self and the freedom to express one's view. It does not matter if find the view disheartening, I have the right to it.

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