sabato 29 maggio 2010

My Proper Portion

I have written in Mr. Sheep's blog about my belief that there were better ways to end LOST. It is clear that if you say that you are a person of faith, I do not doubt you.
As for the ending, I would have changed the last ten minutes. Ben would have appeared at the concert to kill Mrs. Hawking: "Your son sent me, Mother." At most three minutes for that. Back to the island Jack is dead, but he is not alone. Faraday is standing over his body emptying his pockets of sand. "Get up, Jack. You have patients waiting." Jack is helped to his feet by Faraday and Ben. Jack is puzzled. Faraday cuts to the point. You are not dead; you were dead until I released you. Your life must go on. Your friends are not dead. Only Desmond, Ben, Hurley, and I know what you know happened here in the shadow of the statue. And you will notice as we walk to my plane that there is no wreckage on the beach. There is nothing here, just a fire, a couple of houses from the 50's. the American military built them Hurley and Ben have lived in them for a long time. It's 2004; I am afraid that you and I need to get back to LA. I have a lottery ticket and a dead father to bury. The last shot is Widmore's dead body on the cliff. (NOT LOCKE)! END TITLE:LOST. Ben's voice: Professor Faraday, I have had some experience with these coffins on planes. They get lost. How about cremation, economical and quick. FARADAY: That makes sense, Doctor Linus.
I regret that I prefer irony. Piety, Tragic endings or Comic finales need a stiff shot of irony to satisfy this man of faith. I have studied the Gospels too well to do without it. Who would thought that the King of Kings was a carpenter? A King who would be killed on planks of wood? I believe in impossible things: bread and wine are God incarnate and we eat Him. Truly, I am a fool to admit such things. And only a fool would believe a child could be conceived without intercourse. I am a doctor; I should know better. I have enough strange ideas in my head. I think of them as facts. Please do not ask to believe too much: my portion is ample.

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