domenica 9 maggio 2010

bye-bye ms pi

@Mr. sheep: among the 5 proofs presented by aquinas for GOD's existence there are 3 cosmological (the most basic of which is Aristotle's First Cause which is purportedly being tested at CERN), 1 teleological proof (you know that one: the tended vs untended garden or the more popular-- if you find a watch on the beach, there must be a watchmaker). With your excellent proof of the impossibility of quantum mechanics (this term is antique, going back to Rutherford and Bohr). I can dispose of both the cosmological and the patently teleological for the LOST universe.
I have already dumped these categories in the actual single universe. My view is the one thomas dismisses with disdain. It is st. Anselm of Aosta's ontological view. The grand champions of this view are those two French fellows (Descartes -- his work has real problems) and Pascal (who after being one of greatest scientists ever turned his back in horror at science's implications). Then there is Spinoza (the most dangerous man in the world, according to Leibnitz). Spinoza had one fellower of note, a Swiss patent clerk named Einstein.
Thank you again for proving the utter impossibilty of quantum theory in a fictional paradigm (whose writers are so sloppy in their thinking). As Oscar Wilde said life imitates art. I have doubts (no big surprise) about certain aspects of quantum theory. Darlton have sliced and diced the physics of the last ninety years, so that we are left with the kind of trash CS Lewis wrote. I have yet another idea to avoid deus ex machina or the "life is a dream" ending. Darlton could present a witch trial.

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