domenica 9 maggio 2010


I would, however, point out that I may have misjudged Linus. It appears that most believe in his "redemption". I do not. I find it a fair place to put this matter up for debate. In my mind, Ben, Faraday, and Juilet have driven LOST.
Despite its sloppy writing and its poor plotting: Darlton seem to have no concept of theme or coherence within a plot. darlton have managed to create unique characters. (Sawyer and Hurley, Locke should be included, that's another post): These three have been the often unseen, mysterious infiltrators who push the "losties" onward. And as a villian, Ben has few parallels. He cannot afford to tell the truth because his knowledge, his twisted courage and his reflexive ability to lie are his weapons. He is the solitary single tiny man who dares all to stand against him.

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