lunedì 17 maggio 2010

Paradise by the slice

1.Dickens---Great Expectations. The mysterious prisoner who is Pip's benefactor = Ben. Jaggers the lawyer as a puppetmaster = Faraday, Mrs Haversham = Eli Hawking. Hume and Penny as Pip and his beloved. We switched from our Mutual Friend (the triangle of faraday, widmore and desmond)Unless he has sudden change of heart, Widmore will likely be reading Our Mutual Friend as he dies.

2. Nobody wants to be Mib or Jacob or the new Jacob. Jonathan Edwards' famous sermon applies. God wants all light, all the power. they are dead meat. Along with the wicked witch and her successors

3.Dostoyevsky: ws are doling the parts of the 4 brothers Alyosha = Hurley (whose power exceeds Jacob's the holy one). Sawyer = Dmitri the unjustly condemned. Jack = Ivan who has played too long with a shabby devil (Locke). There is nothing worst than misplaced faith. Smerdyakovthe illegimate son, small, and evil, the real killer who hung himself (a slight change in victims on LOST).

4. But there are slices of Paradise waiting. The famous question about the shadow of the statue is a trick, a sign of who is going to cut the cake. Lapidus, Ben, Hurley, Hume, Faraday, Burke. From the Latin, this person is NOT a liar. This person is buried (dead) or reclining in the shadow (living). He gets to play the deity for 60 minutes Like PJ Farmer "TO YOUR SCATTERED BODIES GO" no take backs, no give backs, Final Judgment.

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