venerdì 14 maggio 2010

the ruthless god

Hi sean, this is the mortal veil with some answers.
1. this is an island that God (the jealous God of Hebrew, Christian, and Islamic Faiths) wants.

2. as i have written the woman is a rival the jealous God. The God of Abraham does not any female deity. It's a man's world. Again Grant's The history of ancient israel pp24-6; pp47-9 andEliade's A mistory of Religious Ideas, chapters 6,7,9,12,14,15 explain it all.

3. The first clue was the cocaine virgin marys: God turned the female goddess into his vessel. The crazy Rousseau, the crazy Claire, the ditzy Mrs. Hawking all make sense. Faraday's dead was a continuation of the WOMAN's MISSION (the mirror image inverted: mother kills son). Boone's death, the sacrifice of the young man, infertility, the trees which lost their leaves all are part Diana's sacred grove.
The central theme of James Frazier's The Golden Bough is how the sacred tree of Diana near has been supplanted by the Ava Marias.

4. There is this ruthless deceiving jealous God who is the redeemer BUT he is equally interested in exclusive rights to all creation. There is this place He wants so He begins to play HIS GAME after WWII(man has become able to destroy the earth)The male GOD wants this power which is supernatural in one sense BUT HE wants to seem a source of power that the 20th century would preceive as part of natural science. Wave after wave of invaders come. MiB and Jacob do not understand why. GOD is trying to reverse Arthur C. Clarke remark about technology. God wants "magic" to seem like "science".

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