mercoledì 12 maggio 2010

Herr Godel and God

I have tried to send you all clues. Mr. Sheep, the Lord God's answer to Godel's theorem was to destroy the other gods. He (masculine) destroyed the Female Moon and the Morning Star (the Light Bearer, Lucifer). The Biblical vision of angels casting out evil angels is Persian . The classic struggle is taken from Zoroaster. (remember I mentioned St Augustine; the Persian influence in the Magi of Matthew. also in the Old Testament's praise of Cyrus as a deliver of the JEWS. Beelzebub is a corruption of a Hittite/Assyrian diety: the lord of the house became the lord of the flies. Baal Or Bel was the Canaanite rival of the God of Abraham. Try Volume I of Mircea Eliade's A history of religious idea. 1975. this sadistic, quasi- fascist is the authority in this area. If you find his version strange, try Michael Grant. He'll tell you a similar tale. Remember i used to bel the dragon, now after last night's episode, you may understand why. My constant references to Dostoyevsky should lead you to Ivan Karamazov's conversation with the devil. The latter laments his loss of status in the modern world.However, the lord of Hosts had a special punishment for female gods. They were to become the ones who brought evil into the world. The New Eve was Mary, the vessel of the male God. Chapters 12 and 15 will explain how the Hebrew God took Persephone and Demeter and along with Dionysus instituted the Eucharist (see Genesis 11).But the Hebrew God started a tradition (not contained in the Bible) but found in supplementary texts of a woman created by God that Adam rejected. Her name was Lilth. She is the cocaine -filled statues of Mary. Remember the Hebrew and Christian God created a woman outside of creation, ever virgin (tricks with wombs are also part of Indian religion, see chapter 9 of Eliade's work cited above), assumed into heaven.The woman who gave birth was an Eve- type. ( By the way, there were apparently 7 european Eve's . This comes from the study of mitocrondrial DNA found only in the ovum.) Until Milton's Paradise Lost Eve got most of the blame for the Fall.Milton changed the playing field by adding to Adam's guilt.Dante gave Salvation in highest heaven to Eve because of the male God's redemption.The headbasher we saw last night was brought to you by the male God. The one who denies women the priesthood because GOD is male.So Herr Professor Godel, there was a divine intervention to provide a closed system where no higher level is, was, or will be required.

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