sabato 22 maggio 2010

the glass bead game

So here we are: THE BIG QUESTIONS
1). Is Faraday going to reappear? Does he represent the Spinozan God who cannot interfere in the world because his intrusion is destructive? I would hope so. If he represented that whining ass jacob. I would be disappointed.

2).Will that 10 year brain in the kung fu body finally leave us alone (the viewers and the characters)? Killing this idiot was the best thing Ben ever did. Next Mib, then rid us of jack. Mail him back to LA, dead or alive. I am sure you can dispose of these idiots. then go ahead rule the island, the world: you deserve it, Ben. Or instead get with faraday, locke, and desmond for a spin-off Three nerds and a hunk (or 3 wise men and 1 wise ass; they could draw straws)

Of course, Ben, you need to make sure that Locke is safe. Mib will just grab somebody else; he needs an ashtray. Also make sure that Hurley does not get any smoke in his eyes. 3) Will Faraday be able to save everybody? Put richard and isabella in a condo far from the sea, next door to jin and sun. (spin-off) Bring back most of dead, not all of them? (Let Juilet go to Greenland. She deserves to live, but she is a bitch.) Faraday or somebody, send Claire (but not her baby) and Kate to torment Woman in hell. Will somebody (Ben or Faraday or Hume) stab Eli Hawking as MiB did Woman?

Across the sea was the episode that I was waiting for. I was intriqued by the archetype: the angel guarding the gate to Eden. THEN Darlton gave it away with Richard: the slave is the one is meant to kill the King of the Wood. The absolute clarity of the reference explains the infertility, the sickness, jacob's inability to function (he's the HAL of LOST). His very last scene in which he thinks he can appoint his successor was a real manifestation of his inability to learn his own mythology. he is Ben's opposite; Ben is the physically frail, but intellectual agile sociopath. Jacob is an example of the borderline personality.

Locke may have died without answers, but the audience has them. Explicit answers: from Ben, "he was a better man"; from smokie "of all of you, he alone had faith" then that ego-building lie to Jack: "he was a sucker" (translation: "You were always the smarter one, Jack, and I am trying to trick you, Doctor Dummy"). LOST has the subtle touch of a sledge hammer. My name is Henry Gale (Gee, I must be a liar just as the Wizard of Oz) Hi, I am Sawyer and just like my friend Huck, I do not like wearing shoes. I do like fooling people. But I am going to get civilized by a slightly older woman (Juilet = Becky Thatcher). Reference after reference given without much grace. Rousseau, Burke, Napoleon. Hume, Minkowski, Michael's son, Faraday. And over and over, the clue I missed until I saw Across the Sea. The madonnas filled with cocaine that killed every man who touched them. The only one who may escape is Locke thanks this year's HUGE CLUE: Elba, the one arm posture, the embrace from Rousseau. Linus was never "redeemed".

WHO IS BURIED OR RECLINES IN THE SHADOW OF THE HOUSE OF THE BOY WHO LIVED IN THE SHOE? COULD IT BE LAPIDUS, ALPERT, FARADAY, WALT? I would exclude Alpert; he was falling his new master, Ben. I would guess it is the same person who got Desmond out of the well. There were only four individuals with divine powers: MIB is just a ghost trapped between worlds. He can't run too far and he knows he cannot kill Ben because Ben is the true candidate. Alpert is immutable. MiB cannot kill him either. Jacob (now dead) gave Alpert a gift. So we got However, Hurley's power is far greater. He exists both among the living and the dead. Jacob once again was lying. Only a foolish demon would ever try to manipulate such a being. Desmond is being manipulated by either Walt whose youth makes it less likely or by Faraday. Daniel has appeared to only one person - Desmond. Alpert<< Hurley probably less than Walt's or Faraday's

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