sabato 8 maggio 2010


Mr. sheep and I have great deal in common in matters of aesthetics and the supreme importance of science. the man of science is more often a man of faith than the clergyman. The man of science is not afraid to investigate creation; he (or she) is interviewing God. Jewish, Christian, Islamic dogma all state that God is the author of an ordered creation. The man desires validation. Any "so-called" person of faith who decries such investigation has "a crisis with Faith" Science is a verification of that dogma.
As for L.dharma, such investigations are done best in society where there is liberty for even the most distasteful views. Jefferson put aside his personal opinions concerning Christ for the sake of that liberty. Madison and Hamilton were radical philosophical opponents who tossed aside their differences to create a society of national financial control with room for the most radical opinions to flourish. They promoted a constitution that not only allowed a rebel like myself to say harsh words but allowed me to buy a printing press and get copyright protection (actually Jefferson did that). The United States invented this concept of the idea and its dispersion. If Galileo had written in Latin and forsaken the printing press, he would have no trouble.
As for Burke, he spent his career defending the rights of the Irish, the American colonists, the rights of the natives of the Indian subcontinent, and finally, the Roman church and the French Monarchy. He took the side of the oppressed, standing in the Commons. He was derided, ridiculed, etc. In the course of his career, he warned his generation of the political problems of the next two hundred years. As for LOST, for the fifth time Burke predicted the rise of a monster after the French revolution. It was his opinion that all revolutions (except the American because it was a conservative revolution, virtually unique in history. South Africa might be another.).
The connection with LOST is absolutely direct. A disorganized group that splinters at every turn is bound to produce a monster. Not Flocke. But Ben Linus (the only honest words Ben has uttered, began with Napoleon at Elba...). the reference to Lincoln was a contrast to Ben: No Dixie, no mercy, no charity. Character is everything. Ben has it. All of it is directed to the assumption of power within a limit. (see chapter 8 of Book III of Swift's Gulliver's Travels for that limit). jacob and miB crossed the line. Ben would not make that mistake. He will rule but not as king. He will follow Jefferson, Hamilton, Madison, and Burke. He has learned. The model is Bismarck, not Hitler. That's why his field is Modern European History.

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