martedì 24 agosto 2010

you must remember this

No, i do not want to direct you to a church or to belief in God (S). I want to direct you to my rude, pompous comments. I am happy to be ill-received. I am glad to be unsympathetic. I want you to go out, get library cards, and tell me how wrong I am. If you live in the US, you must know that your liberties are being destroyed in the name of wars that are impossible to win. If you lived where I do, where no vast public librariesstand open to the poor and rich, maybe you'd you wanted put freedom of expression above all else. I live in a country where a quarter of the population cannot read. No, my friends, I have profited greatly from our exchanges. It is shame that you do not remember that same man that wrote the Declaration of Independence, fought for a statute for religious tolerance ( while he personally despised the theology of mainstream Protestant faiths and thought Catholics were the servants of a foreign enemy),and gave (sold) his books to form the nucleus of the Library of Congress. I am old, rude,pompous; pick your adjective. But I know that those who do not test the limits of liberty will soon be without it.--

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