domenica 8 agosto 2010


I have not seen the epilogue. Although I am a Catholic, I object to the Christianity infused in THE END. There could have been a better ending. I have written multiple endings that are displayed in other places. Most involve Ben and Faraday. For me, the final episode of St. Elsewhere was perfect: it ripped your guts out, left you in mid-air without a parachute, yet made perfect sense in the context of the story. LOST failed. Sure, I will read about the epilogue. So far the only thing that pleases me is that Michael's actions are fully justified. With this we can see that Michael's appearance to Hugo was a test of Hugo's character. As for the Ben-centric epilogue, once more (by sheer luck and the incredible Emerson), Ben is the central character, the protagonist. Once more, when Ben killed Jacob, he gained all Jacob's powers. It was Ben's decision not to kill MiB. The flash sideways was a message to Ben not to kill MiB. For me, Ben should have continued to blackmail the principal, shot Ilana, and returned to Locke to kill him. The choice was explicit in Ben's history lesson: Napoleon at Elba. Ben should have wrecked the divine plan of whomever(God, Faraday, Jacob). Who has such will? Try the poem Invictus: that was Nelson Mandela's mantra during his years in prison.

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