sabato 30 ottobre 2010

from russia with love

Of course Ivan is the main character of The Brothers Karamazov as Jack is the main character in LOST. I have been trashing Jack and Stephen King untilI could figure it out. The IT is what LOST is really about. Most of the mis-information and rudeness on my part has had the single goal of asking for the users to give me clues. The long bit about James the Minor Vs. James the Major was meant to see if anybody knew about Armenian Christianity which provides a different fate for the former. Dostoyevsky is Papa Karamazov and Dmitri. Ivan is a type of character who emerges first in Gogol's Dead Souls. This character is seen in a more "continental" (an insulting term used by both Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky to describe Turgenev). Turgenov presents the nihilist Bazarov in Fathers and Sons. After one has read these authors King's demons are mere puppets. The Grand Inquisitor (the best slam against Catholicism and at the same time the greatest defense of Christ in modern times) would stand unequalled if not for the conferences between the devil and Ivan and Smerdyakov. It gets no better than this unless you read The Idiot or The Devils. Crime and Punishment is Dostoyevsky medium dark. Milton's oxymoron "darkness visible" applies. I'll stop with this. King, CS Lewis, Et alia. are far less impressive than the "comical" protagonist of Dead Souls. Tolkien's Dark Mordor is less frightening than the waiting room where Ivan and the devil have their first little chat. LOST has its main texts the Odyssey, the Revised Standard Bible of Fundamental Christians, and the Brothers Karamazov. The shining light at the end is Solzhenitsyn's First Circle. Ben refusal to enter echoes Pasternak's Dr. Zhivago whose theme is there is no place for the non-political man in the Soviet Union. Irony: the great leader has no politics. MiB and jacob are gone. He has no position. darlton built better than they knew. I thank Just sayin', horrible eyes, balk of fame for their help. by Past recaptured
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The Fatal Shore is Australia according to Hughes' history of Australia. There is another fatal shore. It is life itself. The Island, flashforward, flash to the side, Flashback. Ben, the wisest of them, tells the secret (I have no idea if Darlton intended this. Ben says when The Brothers Karamazov is offered, he requests Stephen King. This is the obvious, outfront, not at all subtle key to LOST. I will not be long in my explanation point by point without explanation: daddy problems -- Dostoyevsky and his father, Dostoyevsky and young son; Most of the characters are inverted; however, Locke is Father Zossima,they are corrupted through no fault of their own. Sawyer is Dmitri except he loses his soul but escapes without scratch. Ben is Smerdyakov who chooses life. Ivan is the opposite of Jack. Faraday is the devil; it is he who leads the losties in Dante's First Circle of Hell. Hurley is Alyosha, but he need not strive for perfection. He denies his own perfection. The final twist is that Faraday is God's servant. All of Lost is a series of twists on Dostoyevsky except the daddy problems remain quite the same. by Past recaptured
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In theology (the study of God), immanent: present in the material universe (the universe has 4 parts heaven, hell, purgatory (for some), earth) This belief is widely held (from orthodox Jews to radical Islamists to Catholic to conservative African Anglicans to the Russian orthodox primate). If this does not make sense, read Charles Peirce on how truth is determined. For about 40% of Christians, God made Mary before original sin took place. She was created and died and was assumed physically into heaven. She was created by God, is part of Creation, but she has a special set of properties but is fully human and not divine. In contrast Plato, Aquinas, Spinoza, Kant and plenty of other thinkers use the word Transcendental in the same sense: beyond human experience or knowledge. God (Christ) existed before Creation, is removed from it. he may or may not have assumed human form (completely human, completely divine). GOD is transcendental; he existed before creation; he will exist after creation is gone. But the same groups I listed above (islamic, christian, orthodox and conservative Jews) believe that God created all things. Einstein was working on this assumption for 35 years TOE (theory of everything). Clue: Stone foot missing TOE by Past recaptured
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no. from New Webter's Dictionary LEXICON publications --1993 immanent: theological definition --actually present through-out the universe page484 col 1.
Transcendental beyond the range of human experience to Kant beyond all possible knowledge bottom 1047, top 1048
transcendental outside the limits of possible human experience, Kant beyond the limits of possible knowledge: bottom of 1047, top of 1048.
For the catholic theologian Mary existed before original sin; she was part of creation (the material universe).
Christ is transcendent because he existed as God before the universe was created. the Immaculate Conception is accepted by catholics, orthodox, high church anglicans and many mainline Protestant sects. in order to have an immaculate concept, the vessel (and this term in most theologic texts) must without sin.
by Past recaptured
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Of course, I am mad. I believe that unleaven bread and red wine can become the body of God incarnate. I eat human and divine flesh. I believe that God came into this world for unworthy humans such as myself.
If i were not a jungian therapist, I'd be in the laughing academy by Past recaptured

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