lunedì 6 settembre 2010


1)The scar: jack's scar sideways time Odysseus is identified by a scar made a wild boar. locke/Flocke is the hunter of boars and he becomes one himself(symbolic archetype the horned monster) 2)Who was Mib meant to inhabit? Frank J. Lapidus. Smokie was to have his escape with another Odysseus, the eternal captain. Jacob had meant for his brother to escape. Why? It was Ben that had arranged this, thinking that he was serving Jacob. This began the war between Ben and Jacob. Why was all this happening? All this because an alarm clock fails 3)What kind of God plays such games? It is the old man of the sea, Proteus (Book IV). Menelaus catches him with the help of the old man's daughter. Proteus can assume any shape, travel anywhere. Homer's digression serves to "steer" Telemachus toward his father. But the old man and his daughter are figures of Zeus and Athena. Athena is literally the product of Zeus's brain. (that's another tangent) Something that Darlton said about faraday's death. they protested too much. they made too much of his parting. Faraday was there from day 1. the alarm that did not go off. It is not Jacob that Hurley encounters, it is Faraday. Dogen is Faraday. the children are neither jacob or his brother, again Faraday. Finally, Christian is not in that Church. Again, Faraday. Where else would God live; He has to live in the City of Angels. Odysseus at the very end of the Odyssey defies the gods (i.e. zeus and his brainchild, Athena) gets a lightening stroke fired just next to Athena. Move one more step and the next bolt is for you Odysseus (Ben). Ben is too smart to walk into the church. He will wait It is the great contest the man of many twists versus the God of many faces. It is always Odysseus contra God. Ben and Faraday never meet because theirs is the endless struggle. Ben knows his limits, but there is always that envelope to push.

Ok, even though nobody asked --the information about faraday=zeus Chritian takes an ax in the deleted scene (Season 5)"sun and lapidus wonder abot Christian". Another god cracks Zeus head open and Athena emerges. (Hurley gets smarter) The absolute proof: Faraday describes the crash and the freighter to Jack, explains in pre-socratic pnilosophy, in the "pebbles and the boulders" scene the river of time. The boar reference in the deleted scene " hunting" All season 5 //Season 6 -- a deleted bit betwwen Desmond and Eli "Desmond's Task" and a bit between Ben and Desmond -- "epiphany"

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