martedì 7 settembre 2010

homer and hero

It is Telemachus who is the obvious hero. james joyce refers over and over to his alter-ego Stephen as Stephen-Hero. But there is nowhere for either Stephen or Telemachus to go. If you put Daniel Boorstin's chapter 4 of The Creators(which explains Homer's place in Greek culture along side the complementary place occupied by Hesiod side by side with chapter 68 on Joyce himself. Stephen is Telemachus. They ended directly opposed. Stephen becomes the eternal exile, just as Joyce becomes. Telemachus becomes the king of Ithaca, wanders no more, achieves his identity. Jack achieves his maturity, finds his destiny. How does he does he do this? He has His Mentor (the godlike Hurley) and he has his father, Locke, to become king you must have a dead father. Of course, there is the other Telemachus, Ben, the man who needed no mentor, no teacher. he is the natural heir of Odysseus. Yet he chooses exile. Like Stephen, he deserts the Odysseus of Joyce's creation. Why? From the time we see Ben with Joyce's novel, we know that strange incarnation of Zeus that is Faraday is at work.. if you look at Zeus' parents and compare them to Daniel's, you might catch some similiarities. Then there is someone manipulating the LA flash sideways. There is pushing Ben one way and Jack the other. He has crew, chiefly Desmond,but also Minkowski, the world's most resourceful driver. He drives Desmond to the lotus eater, Charlie. He returns Desmond to Faraday. then Desmond becomes a demi-god, a Hermes with messages, powers, the final blow to Ben and the arbiter of the contest between the dutiful Jack and his possessed spiritual father. Locke made him a man of faith as did Desmond, Sawyer Faraday and Hurley. The final act of jack's life before dying is to kill the body of the person who began his salvation and relight the flame (Jack is much closer to Virgil's Aeneas at this point (see book 8 of Virgil's poem).
The saddest words are might have been. Ben chose prudence over courage. He should have faced MiB as soon as he he killed Jacob. Sad moment n.2: Ben was reluctant to kill Jacob. Ben knew from flight 316 onward, how things would end. Flashsideways was as much about preventing Ben from acting as about preparing Hurley and Jack for their fates. Jin, Sun, Sayid, Jack, many others would have survived. Ben would have surely died a horrible death, revenge from the higher power which I call Zeus.
Michael did what was required of him. The fact that he could not kill himself until his death was necessary to correct Ben's killing of Kreamy. The Zeus of LOST aint the Christian god. In the last episodes, Michael gave Hurley a push when he needed it. It was Zeus' will that Walt take command. Zeus makes the rules, and he tries to put the blame on humans

lunedì 6 settembre 2010


1. Aeneas has several love affairs, but his is with Dido, queen of carthage. As commanded by Jove, he must leave Dido to go to Italy. Like Juilet, she perishes as a suicide in a fiery pyre. but in lost Dido ( who is Vergil's Penelope) and jack becomes more and more like Aeneas are set by faraday's sacrifice on their Journey. 2)One of the great scenes in the aeneid is the death at sea of Aeneas' pilot, he dies like Charlie drowning to atone for the error of the chosen ones (the surviving Trojans)3) the Hades of Vergil is much like the hall of mirrors that jack destroys. jack is not ready yet. He is not yet able to accept his mission. 4)The shields of Achilles, Aeneas, and Jack all show all the aspects of life. So where is jack's shield? This answer requires a very obscure response. Odysseus is awarded all of Achilles' armour including the shield. Who made these shields It was the blacksmith of the gods. who is lost's Blacksmith? our very own mib! And who turns the wheel most often. It is the man of many twists, Ben. 5) The engagement ordained by heaven is that between Penny and Desmond. Exactly the opposite of Vergil: the Queen (Eli Hawking) tells Desmond to leave Penny alone. The King has already tried to stop him. But Desmond assuming the role of Odysseus (Not the pious destiny of Jack, but the sailor separated from his constant love.) He cleverly captures his Penelope both in "reality" and through the direction of Zeus/Faraday in Flashsideways. And who has been rejected by Juilet (the Major Penelope) but loses the treasure of Widmore's empire. Surprise, once again it is the man of many twists, Ben. Desmond plays both Odysseus and Hermes. 6)Just as Jack turns into Aeneas, not Odysseus, and sacrifices everything for God. This is what they all died for. In virgil, it is the founding of Rome. In Lost, it for the sake of ordered pious universe. In the Odyssey, they did by the thousands to show the supremacy of the man of many twists. 7)But at very end of the Odyssey, there is a sign. It is a bit like the Church scene in that it ends all possibility of further action. But the poets from Homer onward never let the king of Ithaca rest. 8)Not even darlton allows the man of many twists any rest. He is Joyce's wondering middle manager and then Ben becomes the man of my twists to another Telemachus named Walt. Hurley gets the role of Mentor (the divine athena). 9)Ben will not be redeemed for long, Odysseus will never cease his voyages. when you get to the end of the Odyssey, you see that my endless fascination with two characters is the direct result of how the Odyssey ends. The end of Lost resembles Virgil's world. But the epilogue opens the door that Homer never imagined: a fictional character immortal as God Himself.


1)The scar: jack's scar sideways time Odysseus is identified by a scar made a wild boar. locke/Flocke is the hunter of boars and he becomes one himself(symbolic archetype the horned monster) 2)Who was Mib meant to inhabit? Frank J. Lapidus. Smokie was to have his escape with another Odysseus, the eternal captain. Jacob had meant for his brother to escape. Why? It was Ben that had arranged this, thinking that he was serving Jacob. This began the war between Ben and Jacob. Why was all this happening? All this because an alarm clock fails 3)What kind of God plays such games? It is the old man of the sea, Proteus (Book IV). Menelaus catches him with the help of the old man's daughter. Proteus can assume any shape, travel anywhere. Homer's digression serves to "steer" Telemachus toward his father. But the old man and his daughter are figures of Zeus and Athena. Athena is literally the product of Zeus's brain. (that's another tangent) Something that Darlton said about faraday's death. they protested too much. they made too much of his parting. Faraday was there from day 1. the alarm that did not go off. It is not Jacob that Hurley encounters, it is Faraday. Dogen is Faraday. the children are neither jacob or his brother, again Faraday. Finally, Christian is not in that Church. Again, Faraday. Where else would God live; He has to live in the City of Angels. Odysseus at the very end of the Odyssey defies the gods (i.e. zeus and his brainchild, Athena) gets a lightening stroke fired just next to Athena. Move one more step and the next bolt is for you Odysseus (Ben). Ben is too smart to walk into the church. He will wait It is the great contest the man of many twists versus the God of many faces. It is always Odysseus contra God. Ben and Faraday never meet because theirs is the endless struggle. Ben knows his limits, but there is always that envelope to push.

Ok, even though nobody asked --the information about faraday=zeus Chritian takes an ax in the deleted scene (Season 5)"sun and lapidus wonder abot Christian". Another god cracks Zeus head open and Athena emerges. (Hurley gets smarter) The absolute proof: Faraday describes the crash and the freighter to Jack, explains in pre-socratic pnilosophy, in the "pebbles and the boulders" scene the river of time. The boar reference in the deleted scene " hunting" All season 5 //Season 6 -- a deleted bit betwwen Desmond and Eli "Desmond's Task" and a bit between Ben and Desmond -- "epiphany"