giovedì 29 aprile 2010

Lost--once more into the breech

The line is from Shakespeare : Henry V---

@ Mr Sheep: Jacob and MiB are two demons that have no place in this universe. The bottle clinches it. See James Maxwell's argument about demons and bottles.(See the physics textbook of your choice) See again Einstein's Appendix 5 to Relativity. Notice the names he mentions Hume, Michaelson (=Walt), Minkowski, Faraday. Faraday is the shadow power behind one faction He is engaged in a bridge game. Jacob and MiB playing Faraday and his "dummy" Locke. Then we have Juilet Burke. Edmund Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France. (the title varies with the edition). Burke predicted the raise of Napoleon. Juilet's last gasp from the Grave: IT WORKED. You should read a Wiki on Edmund Burke, Mr. Sheep. Dr Linus: Napoleon at Elba. The real contest is between Faraday and his agents and Ben Linus. If you google St. Helena, the island off the coast of Africa where Napoleon, you find an attraction called Jacob's ladder. To me everything converges. This might not be the ending, but such a cosmic duel between the champions of a divinely ordered universe and a God separated from His creation (Aristotle, Spinoza, Einstein) against a single little man is no small matter. It is the stuff of Ahab, Lear, and Dostoyevski's protagonists. I do not think the producers will take this dark and sublime road. I wish they would.

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