sabato 13 febbraio 2010

I would be lost without it

Comments on LOST: it was easier than I thought to get to 2004 from 1977

My opinion: Einstein was right. the whole universe turns each time even a fragment of it changes. The effects of the change are felt only within the part of the field (universe) that is altered. These shift may alter both time and space or only the single time axis or the triple x,y,z axes of space. Examples black holes, worm holes, H-bombs. To go beyond and extend the concept, natural disasters, geographical shifts do the same. My guess is temporal wormholes explain most of the previous shifts. The 77 shift was the result of a time-space shift because it divided the survivors of flight 316. As to the energy source, I can't be sure. As for why a particular place or time, that depends on one's view of predestination. That's a subject that is tied to personal religious belief

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