martedì 8 dicembre 2009

There is one thing that has become obvious to me. Despite my nursery school knowledge of particle physics, more sophisticated view of economics, and my attempts to "keep current" with medical "literature", I am isolated from my generation. What I would term "my generational cohort" in my Italian monograph is a group is one of the many groups that I have simply walked away from; I did what Bogart did at the end of Casablanca: I walked out into the darkness of a foggy night. This departure was necessary for my survival at the time. At the half-century mark, this approach has revealed its defects. I am stuck in the seventies.

Oh, I accept that the discovery of Higgs boson will be sufficient proof of Aristotle's first cause. However, such an event will not replace an ontological proof.

My major work in endocrinology was between 1985 and 1989. This work has had practical and theoretical implications which fuel in discussion in 2009. I had the privilege of working with others; I was a part of team, certainly not its leader. Again, in 1999 to 2000, I was involved in some research of lesser importance in which I played a smaller role.
The medical research was a team effort; the psychology, philosophy, and theology contained in my books, (beginning in 1997 and written mainly between 2005 and 2009) are mine alone. They have taken beyond the poems written mainly between 1969 --1974 and 1997 -- 2001.

My hope is that these poems will help find my way back to the cohort. All the previous work remains, but I hope to find my way back to my generation and to the "tasks" that each individual is meant to perform. Of course, good poetry is the primary goal, but there is room for and benefit in this secondary "endpoint" (to steal a term from The proof of this return will be a series of essays completely removed from my previous work: again from poems to prose.