sabato 28 novembre 2009

The works within Archetypes are a revision and simplification of Frye's work. The emphasis on pragmatism and logical positivism abandon normative terms to limited place in intellectual discourse; the emphasis on developmental psycho-analytic theory places Frye's is a complete departure from Frye. The church is the mother and teacher; it is the guide to successful completion of pyscho-biological tasks first and foremost. The study and recognition of union with God is fundamentally an intellectual process. Religion goes in the same school satchel as reading, writing, and arithmetic. The Italian monograph discusses these psycho-biological tasks as a North American revision of European psychoanalytic theory. The Healing Angel is an extension of the allegorical aspects of Angels to the medical profession that introduce a separate series of arguments. Angels itself is an allegory, a satire, an attack on certain ideas and individuals which proceeds from one category to another of the above without alerting the reader. It meant to provoke the reader. My hope is that it contains "a little something" to which every faction may object. As for the poems: very few poets are competent critics of their own work.

lunedì 16 novembre 2009

This blog contains the poems I have written since 2008.

There are several volumes of my work available. Please contact me for prices and shipping. Mine is a non-profit operation. The price is the sum of the production and the shipping costs.

The following are offered as single volumes:

Poems: 1967 --2008
This is a collection of poems that has as its central theme a re-evaluation of the figure of Odysseus: his role in the fall of Troy and its consequences on the hero and the world at large. There are lyric and dramatic poems exploring variations on the principal theme, including two longer poems which offer new perspectives on the Iliad and the Arthurian cycle.
Some observations & opinions concerning art and prosody along with a chronology of medicine.

Here are some things you really need to know before it’s too late.
Maybe you won’t sleep so well after you hear from the devil and the anti-christ. We offer inside information on the beginning and the end of the world as well as what transpired and what will happen in between the start and finish of human existence.

These three are available as a single volume Archetypes
The Necessity of Salvation
The redemption of man by Christ is the central event in history. This collection of essays discusses the active part the Trinity plays in the world. It discusses the relationship between God and several human activities: science, philosophy, literature, and government. The themes of this book are the Lord’s gift of saving grace and His ongoing interaction with mankind. God is actively seeking to save man from sin and constantly permitting the human race to strive for intellectual enlightenment and moral perfection.

It is through God's endless Grace that man is saved. God's interaction with man is through Archetypes. This book places human philosophy in perspective. It illustrates the emptiness of modern philosophy but provides an alternative philosophical view with Revelation through Archetypes and "the will to believe" at its center that provides some comfort. It criticizes Darwin's theory of evolution, discusses "intelligent design", and defends neutrality of true science. The author examines the psychoanalytic approach to human behavior and finds much good in its theory, but great risk in its practice by improperly trained persons.

The Body is His Book
This is a book about the human soul. The development of this potentially immortal core of being and the fragility of each step in its maturation is explored. The relationship between the individual and God is discussed. An argument for the existence of an absolute and universal morality is put forward.

Il fanciullo è il padre dell’adulto
(I don’t foresee an English translation. Most of the material is widely available in English or is contained in the first three works)
La psicoanalisi può dire molto sui nostri figli e ci aiuta a crescerli in maniera tale che diventeranno adulti responsabili. La teoria d’Erikson è la più completa spiegazione del ruolo della psicoanalisi in questo campo. Discuteremo le otto fasi d’Erikson. Questo è un libro pratico non teorico.

The Healing Angel
This book explores ancient paradigms of the physician. It concerns the difficulty of formulating a modified version of this paradigm. The author explores the origin of this “philosophy of the ideal physician”. The obstacles to its implementation – a mistaken view of religion in the healing process, the errors of scientific materialism, the linguistic errors that confuse us, the improper role of the state, and the false economic analogies to commerce – are explored. The author offers alternative views of each of these issues which are compatible with improvements in the doctor – patient relationship, society’s view of medicine as a profession, and the physician’s ability and self-esteem.

poetry2009-- with notes